Kreppner Award 2019 – Call for Nominations

The Award

The late James Kreppner was a great friend to the HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO) and to people with HIV and Hepatitis C. In recognition of James’ innumerable contributions, HALCO established the Kreppner Awards in 2010. Presented at HALCO’s annual general meeting, the awards recognize the efforts of people who have made significant contributions in advocacy for and support of people with HIV or people with HIV and Hepatitis C in Ontario, Canada.


Up to two awards may be given in any one year. One recognizes outstanding achievements in the area of public service, and the other recognizes exceptional accomplishments that might go unheralded or be considered as within the private sphere (“unsung hero”). There is no requirement that awards be given every year.


Anyone who has been employed by, held office with, or received remuneration from HALCO within two years preceding the HALCO annual general meeting in autumn 2019 is ineligible to receive an award.


Nominations should provide specific details of the nominee’s accomplishments and relate the nominee’s activities to the Kreppner Award criteria. Nominations should include a minimum of two letters of support. A committee appointed by HALCO’s board of directors will acknowledge all nominations, review the nominations, and make a recommendation to HALCO’s board of directors.

Candidates selected for an award will be notified by HALCO, and if nominees accept, awards will be presented at HALCO’s 2019 annual general meeting in autumn 2019.

The closing date for nominations is Friday, September 27, 2019. Late submissions will not be accepted. Nominations must include the name and contact information of the person making the nomination. Nominations may be printed, written or typed, and delivered by hand, mail, courier, FAX or e-mail to HALCO at:

Kreppner Awards Committee
HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO)
1400 – 55 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2H7
Fax: 416.340.7248

This Call for Nominations is also available as a printable pdf:


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