HALCO Areas of Law

This section of our website includes information about many different areas of law.  Please remember that it is general information and that you should get legal advice if you have a question or problem. Each section includes information about getting legal help for that area of law.


  • Income Security

    This page contains information about government programs that may provide financial assistance (money) or benefits for you, your family and your children.  You can also visit our  Employment Law  page to find out about other employment-related benefits.

  • Housing / Tenant Law

    Your home may be a rental housing unit, a government subsidized unit, a housing co-operative, or you may own your home.  The rules and laws are different and depend on the type of housing that you live in, as well … Continue reading

  • Immigration / Refugee Law

    HALCO provides a variety of free immigration law services for people living with HIV in Ontario (see Getting Legal Help below). Continue reading

  • HIV and Criminal Law

    If you are living with HIV and have questions about criminal law and HIV, or if you have been charged with an HIV-related crime, please contact us. Continue reading

  • Employment Law

    There are different laws that may apply to your job or your employment.  The laws that may apply to your job depend on things like: the type of work you do your employment contract whether you are unionized whether you … Continue reading

  • Health Law and HIV

    This section contains information about health law and related programs. HALCO provides free information and advice about health law for people living with HIV in Ontario. Continue reading

  • Human Rights

    Human Rights laws provide protections from discrimination.  Treating someone unfairly may be discrimination if the unfair treatment is because of a specific personal characteristic(s) or a perceived personal characteristic. Both Ontario and Canadian laws provide Human Rights protections.  These anti-discrimination … Continue reading

  • Powers of Attorney and Wills

    Powers of Attorney and Wills are legal documents that you prepare to set out your wishes about your care, your belongings and property, and your loved ones. Continue reading

  • Private Insurance Law

    This section of our website is under development. Please see our Employment Law section for information about employment-related insurance and benefits. Continue reading

  • Privacy Law

    This section of our website is under development. If you are living with HIV in Ontario and have questions about privacy or other legal issues, please contact us for free legal advice. The Assaulted Women’s Helpline website has information about … Continue reading