Mission, Vision & Principles

HALCO Mission

The mission of the HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario is to provide legal services to persons living with HIV in Ontario that are relevant to their well-being and that enable them to participate fully in the communities in which they live.

HALCO Vision

HALCO’s vision is a society where laws and the legal system help reduce discrimination, stigma, poverty and injustice faced by people living with HIV.

Statement of Principles of the HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario

(Adopted January 30, 2006, by the Board of Directors of the HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario.)

It is agreed that:

  1. People living with HIV are confronted with unique legal problems of enormous proportions and complexity;
  2. Those best equipped to make choices regarding HIV issues and problems are those individuals who are HIV positive themselves;
  3. People living with HIV must have control over their own lives;
  4. The HIV affected communities are very diverse and are confronted by overwhelming challenges derived from both their diversity and from their common experience as people living with HIV;
  5. It is necessary to create and foster a climate of understanding and mutual respect for the dignity and worth of people living with HIV; and
  6. The confidentiality, bodily security, autonomy and privacy of people living with HIV must be respected, which include but are not limited to:
    a) the right of individuals to exercise control over their own medical treatment;
    b) the right of individuals to exercise control over decisions concerning their own socio-economic position;
    c) the right of all persons living with HIV to be fully informed of all processes and procedures in which their interests are in any way involved; and
    d) the right of all persons living with HIV to consent, or withhold their consent, in all matters affecting them.

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