The Ontario government reversed some changes that were planned for the Ontario Disability Support Program and Ontario Works (2019)
In October 2019, HALCO welcomed the government of Ontario’s decision to reverse two of the changes that had been announced for the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Ontario Works (OW):
- ODSP/OW Transition Child Benefit (TCB) will continue
- changes to the treatment of earned income are canceled
The planned increases to the earned income exemption would have been welcome, but the increase of the earned income clawback from 50% to 75% was not. You can find more information, including a printable pdf, on our website:
Changes to Social Assistance in Ontario – Important ODSP/OW Update (2019 July)
In November 2018, we reported on the government of Ontario’s announcement of a new direction for social assistance ( The proposed changes relate to Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).
We have prepared a Changes to Social Assistance in Ontario – Important ODSP/OW Update info sheet to provide information about:
- changes to how earned income is treated and when the earned income changes will take effect (November 2019 for OW and January 2020 for ODSP). As noted above, this change was reversed by the government in October 2019.
- Transition Child Benefit will end in November 2019. As noted above, this change was reversed by the government in October 2019.
- some overpayments will now be recovered at 10%.
This info sheet also provides information about:
- what people can do now.
- the Addiction Services Initiative ending in July 2019.
The info sheet is available on our website as a printable pdf:
HIV and the criminal law (2018)
We are pleased to provide this factsheet and update:
- HIV and the Criminal Law in Ontario factsheet (2018Dec):
- HIV and the Criminal Law in Canada Update (2018Dec):
Ontario Social Assistance Review – Important ODSP Update (2018 November)
On November 22, 2018, the province of Ontario announced a new direction for social assistance in Ontario. The proposed changes relate to Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), but this update focuses on ODSP. While the government provided few details, and while we welcome additional employment and other supports that were included in the announcement, this update highlights three particular areas of concern for people living with HIV and other disabilities. The update is available in our website What’s New post and as a printable pdf on our website:
Legal Problems Facing Trans People in Ontario / Problèmes juridiques rencontrés par les personnes trans en Ontario
We are pleased to announce Legal Problems Facing Trans People in Ontario / Problèmes juridiques rencontrés par les personnes trans en Ontario, the first report emanating from the research project entitled TRANSforming JUSTICE: Trans Legal Needs Assessment Ontario / TRANSformer la JUSTICE Évaluation des besoins juridiques trans en Ontario (TFJ):
- Legal Problems Facing Trans People in Ontario, Summary Report One (2018Sept):
- Problèmes juridiques rencontrés par les personnes trans en Ontario, Rapport sommaire 1 (2018sept):
For more information about TRANSforming JUSTICE / TRANSformer la JUSTICE (TFJ), please visit the TFJ page of our website:
Criminalization of HIV non-disclosure – Information and Updates info sheet
This info sheet includes information about recent developments, as well as information about HALCO free legal services for people living with HIV in Ontario and our public legal education workshops:
Important Change to HIV Testing and Reporting in Ontario
The reporting regulation under the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA) has changed. For more information, please see our:
- HIV testing and reporting in Ontario page of our website:
- Changes in HIV Testing and Reporting in Ontario information sheet:
- Important Change to HIV Testing and Reporting in Ontario poster:
Guide: Women living with HIV and intimate partner violence: Questions & Answers / Femmes vivant avec le VIH et violence au sein d’une relation intime : Questions et Réponses
This guide is for women, including trans women, who are living with HIV and who experience or are at risk of experiencing violence from their intimate partner. Intimate partner violence can be physical, emotional, psychological or sexual abuse from someone with whom you have or had an intimate relationship. Abuse by an intimate partner is not only wrong — it can be against the law. The guide was written in 2016 – please see HIV and the Criminal Law in Canada for more current information about HIV disclosure:
The guide is available on our website:
- Women living with HIV and intimate partner violence: Questions and Answers (2016May)
- Femmes vivant avec le VIH et violence au sein d’une relation intime : Questions et Réponses (2016mai)
(It can be printed in booklet format in Adobe Reader or Acrobat.)
The guide is available in Spanish and Swahili on the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network website: The guide was produced by HALCO, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, METRAC and the AIDS Committee of Toronto.
If you are living with HIV in Ontario, please contact us for free legal advice.
I owe money / Je dois de l’argent guide (November 2013)
Our consumer debt guide for people in Ontario includes information about debt, collection agencies, bankruptcy, being sued in court, resources, getting legal help, and more.
The guide is available in pdf in English and French on our website:
- I owe money…I am having trouble paying my bills:
- Je dois de l’argent…J’ai de la difficulté à payer mes factures :
HIV disclosure: A legal guide for gay men in Canada / Dévoilement du VIH: guide d’information sur le droit pour les hommes gais en Canada
The guide was last updated in 2013 – please see HIV and the Criminal Law in Canada for more recent information about HIV disclosure:
The guide, written for gay men with HIV in Canada, offers information about HIV disclosure and Canadian criminal law. It also has information about disclosure and other areas of the law, such as public health, privacy, employment, travel and immigration. The guide provides resources and contacts for more information.
You can download the guide as a pdf (on our website):
- HIV disclosure: a legal guide for gay men in Canada (2013 May)
- Dévoilement du VIH : guide d’information sur le droit pour les hommes gais au Canada (2013 mai)
Planning for illness: legal information for people living with HIV in Ontario / Planification en cas de maladie : renseignements juridiques à l’intention des personnes vivant avec le VIH en Ontario
HALCO and the African and Caribbean Council on HIV /AIDS in Ontario (ACCHO) produced a public legal education resource for people in Ontario:
- Planning for illness: legal information for people living with HIV in Ontario:
- Planification en cas de maladie : renseignements juridiques à l’intention des personnes vivant avec le VIH en Ontario:
Topics in the booklet include: powers of attorney, wills, planning for your children, your home, benefits, resources, services, and more. Print copies may be ordered from CATIE: 416-203-7122 or toll-free 1-800-263-1638,
Endorsements of statements/letters/calls to action
- HALCO and others endorse HIV Legal Network call on the City of Toronto to decriminalize simple drug possession: MEDIA STATEMENT: CIVIL SOCIETY GROUPS, FIVE FORMER TORONTO MAYORS CALL ON TORONTO TO DECRIMINALIZE SIMPLE DRUG POSSESSION NOW — HIV Legal Network
- HALCO and others support Ontario Community Legal Clinic Inter-provincial Employment Insurance Working Group brief to the Canadian Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills, and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities: Inter-ProvincialEIWorkingGroup-e.pdf (
- Call for federal and provincial governments to ensure full access to the COVID-19 vaccine to all migrants regardless of immigration status: HALCO endorses Migrant Network Vaccines for All campaign.
- Call for UNODC to ask member states to change drug policies that violate human rights: HALCO endorses a letter calling for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime statement on International Human Rights Day.
- Call for provincial government to amend Ontario’s COVID-19 Clinical Triage Protocol: HALCO endorses call of ARCH Disability Law Centre and AODA Alliance to ensure that people living with disabilities are not discriminated against in relation to COVID-related care.
- Call for the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) to ensure that tenants have access to justice: HALCO joins many other community legal clinics in Ontario in proposing a number of urgent reforms to the LTB’s operations during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020Oct): English; French
- Call for the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board to consider the impact of COVID-19 before ordering any evictions: HALCO joins the call on the Landlord and Tenant Board to take into consideration all pandemic-related circumstances before any eviction orders are made (2020Sept): English….pdf; French….pdf.
- Call for a just recovery for all: HALCO joins the Just Recovery Ontario campaign in calling on the Federal and Ontario governments to implement policies to ensure a just recovery for all (2020Sept):
- Call for greater racial representation amongst federal court judges: HALCO joins others in the legal community in calling on the Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of Canada to take immediate action to rectify the historic and stark racial imbalance among Canada’s federal court judges by appointing Black, Indigenous and People of Colour to federal courts (2020Sept): English; French Letter to the Hon.David Lemity in English; French
- Call for immigration status for all: HALCO joins the Migrant Rights Network and many others in calling on the federal government to grant all migrants, refugees, students, workers and undocumented people in the country full immigration status (2020Sept):
- Call for the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) to protect people from COVID-19: HALCO joins many others in requesting that the IRB immediately cease scheduling all in-person and videoconference hearings until health and safety measures are put in place (2020Aug):
- Call for the government of Alberta to continue funding supervised consumption services: HALCO joins many others in voicing their objections to the government of Alberta’s plan to cut all funding for ARCHES, which provides supervised consumption services to the Lethbridge community (2020Aug):
- Call for the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to reduce the spread of COVID-19: HALCO joins others in the legal community in expressing concern regarding the inadequate COVID-19 protocols at the CBSA’s Greater Toronto Area Region Enforcement and Intelligence Operations Division (EIOD), and calling on the CBSA to implement measures to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 at EIOD (2020Aug): open letter; addendum to letter The CBSA’s response
- Call for the federal government to protect the health and safety of sex workers: HALCO joins 12 other organizations in calling on the federal government to refrain from enforcing criminal laws related to sex work (2020July): English; French
- Call for the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre (OCDC) to respect the human rights of incarcerated indigenous persons: HALCO joins more than 70 other organizations in calling on the OCDC to accommodate the spiritual and cultural needs of incarcerated Indigenous persons (2020July):
- Call for the protection of undocumented and migrant workers: HALCO joins the Migrant Rights Network and 39 other organizations in calling on all levels of government to ensure that the response to COVID-19 leaves nobody behind, including migrant and undocumented workers (2020July):
- Call for the federal government to support 2SLGBTQI communities amid COVID-19: HALCO joins almost 100 organizations across Canada in calling on the federal government to ensure that 2SLGBTQI communities are included in actions they undertake to address the COVID-19 public health crisis (2020June):
- Call for Ontario to protect tenants: HALCO joins 37 other organizations in calling on the province of Ontario to not move forward with Bill 184 (Protection Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020) which include changes to the Residential Tenancies Act that will impoverish and displace tenants (2020June):
- Call for the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre to respect the rights of Muslim people in jail: HALCO joins 59 other organizations in calling on the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre to respect the rights of Muslim people in jail during Ramadan (2020May):
- Call for the federal government to protect the health of people who use drugs: HALCO joins 52 other organizations in calling on the federal government to protect the health of people who use drugs during COVID-19 by decriminalizing simple drug possession (2020May): English; French
- Call for the federal government to implement pharmacare: HALCO joins 174 other organizations from across the country in calling on the federal government to implement a universal public pharmacare program that covers essential medicines for everyone in Canada (2020May):
- Call for Ontario to implement COVID-19 plan for people in group living settings: HALCO joins 137 other organizations and 400 individuals in calling on the province to act immediately to address access-to-care gaps among people living in congregate settings (e.g., shelters, group homes, prisons, assisted living) (2020April):
- Street Nurses Network and allies demand immediate measures to prevent deaths related to COVID-19: HALCO joins 53 other organizations calling on the City to quickly implement measures to safeguard the safety of people who are homeless and/or use drugs during the time of COVID-19 (2020April):
- Ontario Clinical Triage Protocol must respect human rights for all: HALCO endorsed a letter to the government of Ontario expressing grave concern with Ontario Health’s draft Clinical Triage Protocol for the COVID-19 Pandemic. The letter calls on Ontario to safeguard human rights by adhering to the following recommendations: (i) persons with disabilities cannot be deprioritized for critical care on the basis of their disability; (ii) the Triage Protocol must clearly state that clinical judgment must not be informed by bias, stereotypes, or ableism; (iii) persons with disabilities cannot be deprioritized for critical care based on supports they receive for daily living; and (iv) the Triage Protocol must ensure that people with disabilities receive necessary disability-related accommodations (2020April): The Ontario government responded with an undated open letter indicating that the Triage Protocol has not been approved and Ontario Health has been directed to consult with the Ontario Human Rights Commission and others (2020April):
- Call for Ontario to protect the health of prisoners: HALCO joins call for Ontario to put in place measures to protect the health and safety of people in provincial jails and detention centres (2020April): The Ontario government’s response (2020July): Number of COVID-19 cases in Ontario’s Correctional Institutions (2020July):
- Call for the Province to ensure an equitable approach to healthcare: 190 organizations, including HALCO, along with 1612 individuals, call on the Province to implement a health equity approach immediately by (i) mandating the collection and use of socio-demographic and race-based data in health and social services now as it relates to COVID-19; (ii) ensuring diverse and racialized voices on provincial and regional decision-making tables, including bioethics and critical care tables; (iii) prioritizing personal protective equipment (PPE), testing and funding for health services that take an anti-oppressive approach and provide trusted, evidence-driven healthcare to populations facing discrimination; and (iv) including regular updates on health equity data and progress in daily COVID-19 press conferences and situation reports (2020April):
- Call for the Province to expand access to safe supplies for drug users in light of COVID-19: HALCO has joined 111 individuals and 692 other organizations in calling on the Deputy Minister and Minister of Health, Christine Elliott, and the Associate Minister, Mental Health and Addictions, Michael Tibolo, to contain the opiod crisis during the time of COVID-19 (2020April):
- Civil Society Statement on COVID-19 and people who use drugs: This statement, endorsed by over 300 organizations (including HALCO) and individuals, was developed by International Network of People who Use Drugs in collaboration with the International Drug Policy Consortium and Harm Reduction International. A PDF copy of this statement with a list of endorsements, as well as translations in Spanish, French and Russian, are available for download here (2020April):
- Open letter to Ontario calling for meaningful income security for all Ontarians: 150 community organizations, including HALCO, call on the Minister of Community and Social Services to ensure that all Ontarians have access to meaningful income security (2020April):
- Change in ODSP Definition of Disability: Defend Disability letter to Minister of Children, Community and Social Services (2019Oct): HALCO and 80 other organizations endorsed the letter
- Solidarity Statement for Sex Workers’ Rights: HALCO endorses the statement:
- Right to Housing Toronto: HALCO is a supporter:
- Correctional Service of Canada must fix fundamental flaws with the prison needle exchange program, statement by 70 organizations, including HALCO (August 2019):
- World AIDS Day 2018 Statement to the Attorney General and Minister of Justice of Canada, Canadian Coalition to Reform HIV Criminalization (CCRHC):; Français : Journée mondiale du sida 2018 Déclaration adressée à la procureure générale et ministre de la Justice du Canada,Coalition canadienne pour réformer la criminalisation du VIH (CCRCV)
- Five Principles for an Effective and Compassionate Social Assistance System: open letter to Honourable Lisa MacLeod, Minister of Children, Community and Social Services, and to all Members of Ontario Provincial Parliament: signed by HALCO, organizations and individuals (2018Oct)
- Social Assistance Reform: an open letter to Ontario Government opposing the rollbacks of income security improvements and cancellation of the basic income pilot: signed by HALCO, 30 other health-focused organizations and 800 healthcare providers (2018Sept4)
- Bill C-75 – repeal of Criminal Code laws used against LGBTQ2S+ people and sex workers: Joint Statement by HALCO and many others (2018Sept).
- Supervised Consumption and Overdose Prevention Sites: HALCO signed open letter to Ontario Premier and Health Minister supporting the sites. You can access the letter on the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network website:
- Ontario Proposed Fee Waivers (Photo Card and Birth Certificate) Act (Bill 26): HALCO letter of support (2018 Mar)
- Decriminalize Sex Work: Support Resolution #2764 – Open letter to the Liberal Party of Canada (2018Mar): signed by HALCO and many other organizations
- Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention (ASAAP) deputation for independent external review of Toronto Police (2018Mar): supported by HALCO
- Campaign for the Abolition of Solitary Confinement: HALCO endorsed an open letter to Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety (2018Jan):
- HALCO among 100 organizations concerned with health to sign open Letter to Canadian, Mexican, and U.S. Ministers of Health and Trade urging that the NAFTA Renegotiation not undermine access to affordable medicines (2018Jan):