Information about HIV testing, including Self-Testing

In the past, HIV testing was only accessible through a health care provider or a designated testing site. Recently, some people have been able to get HIV self-testing kits that allow them to test on their own or with the help of others such as community organizations. If you test positive for HIV using a self-testing kit, you will have to get a confirmatory nominal (using your name) or anonymous (not using your name) test before you can get medical care for HIV. The key difference between getting a nominal or anonymous test is that your name will automatically be reported to your local Public Health Unit if you test positive nominally. For more information about self-testing, see here.

For information about nominal and anonymous HIV testing and details about what gets reported to Public Health authorities when people test positive for HIV, see here The guide also provides information about reducing the possibility of a person’s name being reported to Public Health authorities after testing positive anonymously and accessing HIV-related medical care.

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