Groundbreaking International Expert Consensus Statement on HIV Criminalization

At the 22nd International AIDS Conference taking place in the Netherlands, twenty eminent world scientists, including two leading Canadian researchers, released the “Expert Consensus Statement on the Science of HIV in the Context of the Criminal Law.” This groundbreaking statement makes clear, among other things, that in most instances the per-act possibility of sexually transmitting HIV ranges from low to none.

The statement reinforces that the criminal law in Canada is out of step with current HIV science.

HALCO will continue to fight to ensure that the law is brought in line with science and human rights in a manner that is supportive of HIV-related care, treatment, support and prevention.

Expert Consensus Statement:

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Statement:

HIV Justice Worldwide:


If you are living with HIV in Ontario and have questions about HIV disclosure or other legal issues, please contact us for free legal advice.

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