HALCO Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, October 23, 2018, at 6 pm
At 55 University Avenue, 14th Floor Meeting Room H2, Toronto (just south of King Street West and the accessible St. Andrew subway station). The meeting space is physically accessible and scent-free. Light refreshments will be served.
From the AIDS crisis to the Opioid crisis: the importance of activism
Panel: Sandra Ka Hon Chu (Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network), Lindsay Jennings (PASAN), Sarah Ovens (Toronto Overdose Prevention Society), and Darien Taylor (Toronto Fast Track City Initiative).
The Meeting Agenda will also include: presentation of our 2018 Kreppner Award, presentation of our Annual Report 2017-2018, and other meeting business.
For more information, please contact us:
- email to talklaw@halco.org
- telephone 416-340-7790 or toll-free telephone 1-888-705-8889
The meeting invitation is also available in printable pdf on our website: www.halco.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/HALCO-AGM-2018Oct23.pdf.
We hope to see you on October 23!