Free workshop: “Problems with your Landlord?” on Thursday March 14, 2013, at HALCO

Some space is still available for our free “Problems with your Landlord? Dealing with repairs, harassment, etc.” workshop taking place next Thursday March 14, 2013, from 1:30 pm. to 4 p.m. in person in our HALCO Boardroom (65 Wellesley Street East, 4th Floor, Toronto).

This workshop is free and everyone is welcome but space is limited so Registration is required. 

How to Register: 

Please include your name, your contact information, your organization (if any), and the workshop(s) that you would like to attend:

  • E-Mail to
  • Phone 416-340-7790 or toll-free 1-888-705-8889,  or 
  • FAX to 416-340-7248

Please avoid wearing scents or fragrances when coming to our offices.  If you require accommodation (disability/communication), please contact us.  We regret that we donot have a budget for this workshop so we are not able to provide refreshments or transportation assistance. 


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