Call for Nominations for HALCO’s 2013 Kreppner Awards

The Kreppner Awards were established by the HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO) in 2010 to honour the late James Kreppner.

Nominations for our 2013 Kreppner Awards will be accepted until June 30, 2013.

In recognition of the breadth and depth of the late James Kreppner’s contributions in both the public and private domains, the HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO) established the Kreppner Awards in 2010. The awards were created to recognize unparalleled achievement in advocating on behalf of or bettering the lives of people living with HIV or people co-infected with HIV and Hepatitis C.

Two types of awards have been created in James’ honour. One award is in recognition of outstanding accomplishment in the public domain, and one in recognition of outstanding accomplishment that would otherwise be unheralded or would be considered as more in the private domain – i.e., an “unsung hero.” Generally, only one award of each type may be given in a single year. There is no obligation for either type or for any award to be given in a year.


Anyone who was employed by, held office with or received remuneration from HALCO, within two years of HALCO’s 2013 annual general meeting (to be held in September 2013) is not eligible to be considered for a Kreppner Award in 2013. All nominations will be kept confidential.

Candidates selected for an award will be notified by HALCO, and if the award is accepted, the winners will be announced at HALCO’s 2013 Annual General Meeting.


Nominations should explain in detail the contributions and accomplishments of the person being nominated. A committee appointed by HALCO’s Board of Directors will review the nominations and make a recommendation to HALCO’s Board of Directors.

The deadline for nominations is June 30, 2013. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Nominations must include the name and contact information of the person making the nomination. Nominations may be printed, written or typed and delivered by hand, mail, courier, FAX or e-mail to HALCO, at:

Kreppner Awards Committee

HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO)

400 – 65 Wellesley Street East

Toronto, Ontario  M4Y 1G7

Fax: 416-340-7248


The above information is also available in the  2013 Kreppner Awards – Call for Nominations (pdf) notice.

James Kreppner was an original member of the HALCO Board of Directors and continued his dedicated service to HALCO until he passed away in 2009. For more about James, please see our HALCO news Fall 2009 newsletter (pages 2 and 13).

Past Kreppner Award Recipients:

2010 (inaugural awards):

  • Unsung Hero award:  Antonia Swann (James Kreppner’s life partner).
  • Outstanding Accomplishment award:  Dr. Gregory Robinson.


  • Unsung Hero award: Pauline Murphy, nurse.
  • Outstanding Accomplishment award: Dr. David Wong.




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