“Planning for illness” – New legal information resource for people living with HIV in Ontario (in English & French/en français)

Planning for illness: legal information for people living with HIV in Ontario 


Planification en cas de maladie : renseignements juridiques à l’intention des personnes vivant avec le VIH en Ontario

The African and Caribbean Council on HIV /AIDS in Ontario (ACCHO) and the HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO) are very pleased to announce a new public legal education resource for people in Ontario:

Please see the full ACCHO & HALCO Announcement in English and French (en français) for more information.

Topics in the booklet include:  powers of attorney, wills, planning for your children, your home, benefits, resources, services and more.

Print copies may be ordered from CATIE:  416-203-7122 or toll-free 1-800-263-1638, www.catie.ca

If you are living with HIV in Ontario and you have legal questions, please contact us for free legal advice.



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