Space still available for our free Public Legal Education workshops (y compris un atelier en français)

Register now for our free workshops (y compris un atelier en français*/including a workshop in French*).

Everyone is welcome, but space is limited so Registration is required.

Our workshops are from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. in person in our HALCO Boardroom:

  • Introduction to Family Law and Family Law Legal Services on Thursday May 31
  • *En français – Parrainer votre famille: le VIH et la loi canadienne en matière d’immigration, mercredi 6 juin – 13 h 30 à 16 h
  • Your Rights as a Tenant on Tuesday June 12


Please include your name, your contact information, your organization (if any), and the workshop(s) that you would like to attend:

  • E-Mail to
  • Phone 416-340-7790 / 1-888-705-8889  or  FAX to 416-340-7248

For more information, please see our workshop poster:

If you would like more information about our workshops, please visit our Public Legal Education section:


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