“Brown and Commanda and Canada” is a class action lawsuit that has been certified against the government of Canada. It has become known as the “Sixties Scoop” class action.
Marcia Brown and Robert Commanda are suing Canada on behalf of themselves and possibly 16,000 other First Nations persons who were placed in non-First Nations homes for adoption or as crown wards/foster children in Ontario between 1965 and 1984.
NOTE: the Appeal Hearing location has CHANGED:
The “Sixties Scoop” Class Action Case Appeal will be heard on Friday October 28, 2011 at 10.00 a.m. in Courtroom 6-1, at 361 University Avenue, Toronto (half-way between Dundas Street West/St. Patrick subway station and Queen Street West/Osgoode subway station).
The appeal is a public hearing and anyone can attend.
For more information, please visit the “Sixties Scoop” class action website: www.sixtiesscoopclaim.ca/