TRANSforming JUSTICE: September 27, 2016, focus group and workshop for trans identified people living with or affected by HIV

The TRANSforming JUSTICE project invites trans identified people in Ontario who are living with or affected by HIV to participate in a focus group and legal education workshop:

    Tuesday September 27th, 2016

    at 99 Gerrard Street East, Toronto

    – Focus Group – 5:30 to 7:30 pm

    – Legal Education Workshop – 7:30 to 9:30 pm

Registration is required for the focus group and workshop. To register, please visit the project website:  You can also email, or call 647-782-8773 (you can call collect).

This focus group and workshop are for trans identified people who:

  • are living with HIV,
  • have a partner living with HIV,
  • have been employed or self-employed as a sex worker,
  • have used injection drugs, and/or
  • have spent time in prison.

The flyer has more information:

The project is using “trans” as an umbrella term to refer to a diverse array of experiences and identities, including two-spirit, non-binary, agender, genderqueer, cross dressers, transgender, transsexual, as well as those who identify as men or women but have a history that involves a gender transition.

You can find more information, including the survey for trans people, the schedules for other focus group/workshop, and sign-up information at:

For more information, please email  or call 647-782-8773 (you can call collect).

General information about the project is available on our HALCO website:


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